As an entrepreneur do you ever feel like you’re stumbling around in the dark, trying to find your way?
Be The CEO Workshop is the lantern to illuminate your path.
Have you ever…
- …struggled with figuring out what to charge
- …wondered how to price a package of goods or services
- …stressed that you won’t make enough to pay bills
- …felt lost on how to craft a clear message to position yourself to your clients
- …needed someone to help you prioritize your task list
- …lacked motivation because you felt you needed a resource or tool to move forward
- …wanted a small group of entrepreneurs to build a community with
If you are like me, you were nodding your head the whole time.
I’ve struggled to find the right fit for my business that matched my personal lifestyle needs and wants. I’ve downloaded ebooks, purchased templates, traveled to conferences, listened to podcasts and have read through tons of blog posts, only to find I still didn’t have the answer that fit my business. I felt like a fish swimming in mud. I would try something and then something else and none of the tactics seemed to work for me.
The reality is there is not a one size fits all answer. Each of our small business are operated by individuals who have different wants and needs.
I found that by understanding my finances, accounting for my time and focusing in on my marketing message has led to more profit in my pocket, doing more work that I’m excited about, and more flexibility in my life.
BE THE CEO workshop was born out of my experience.
Last year’s workshop was a one day event. We spent an entire day digging into financials and pulling apart their numbers to find where they killing it and where things were going awry. This year’s workshop has expanded to two days, so we can take our financial learnings and apply it to our marketing strategy on day two.
This workshop is designed to give you the space and tools to focus on looking at your business as a whole. To give you the chance to step away from the production line and BE THE CEO.
Saturday and Sunday January 23-24, 2016
9am – 4pm
Walnut Creek, CA
You will:
- take the reigns of your numbers and work through your emotional financial roadblocks
- have a plan for generating your revenue so your to do list is focused on moving forward allowing you the flexibility to get in the activities that refuel you.
- learn what makes you the most money and be able to phase out the things that drain you (or at least charge more for them
- be in a supportive group of entrepreneurs who face similar issues in running a business and understand the stresses
- have a business coach with a unique point of view and background to help you create a map to reaching your chief initiative
- have Brigitte Lyons, CEO and founder of B THE FORWARD-THINKING PUBLIC RELATIONS AGENCY, to guide you to positioning your business with consistent messaging
- have an ongoing community to help keep you moving toward your 2016 business goals
The workshop includes:

- two days
- two speakers
- a prep call with me the Wednesday before the workshop
- Lifestyle Comfort Number digital worksheet to fill in that auto-calculate
- Building a Package digital template
- Sally Hogshead’s How to Fascinate express test to highlight how the world see you
- a notebook to write down your thoughts and breakthroughs
- light nibbles and refreshments on both days to keep your focused
- and more fun swag!
Ready to illuminate your path?
$xxx saves your seat and turns on your lantern
Be a First Adopter at $xxx (save $xxx).Book by xx date.